Clear 360° Sound

Immerse in Clearer Sound, Music, Conversations

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Experience the difference in sound quality compared to conventional speakers

Clear, Crisp and Distinct Sound


Clear, Crisp and Distinct sound

The unique 360° Curved Surface Sound Technology produces clear, crisp, and distinct sound waves that cover a wide area and reproduce speech and dialog with high clarity. You can experience true 360º sound across any room layout without any dead zones.

Sleek Design

We developed Clearly to be modern and look elegant in any room or setting. The transparent blue design was made to fit right in with your home decor.

Clearly Speaker Image

End the Fight to Find the Right Volume

For households with a range of hearing abilities, setting the right volume can be a battle. The Clearly Speaker’s improved dialog clarity reduces the need for increasing the volume, bringing everyone back together. No need to turn on the subtitles.

Good For Everything

Clearly allows you to more clearly hear not only your TV, but also your computer, smartphone, music, games, and more. It can also be useful as a speaker for office conference rooms.

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How Does It Work?

Because conventional speakers produce sound from a single sound source, sounds of different frequencies interfere with each other and become muddy and unclear when they reach the user. Also, because of the strong directionality of conventional speaker units, only the person in front of the speaker can hear the sound well, making it difficult for those directly beside or behind the speaker to hear it. This speaker structure has not changed in over 100 years.


In contrast, Clearly uses a unique patented technology to make a special 360° directional transparent film function as a speaker. By having the film vibrate in a plane in a 360° direction rather than at a point, the film can deliver clearer sound farther without creating phase differences, even at different frequencies.

Dr. Kazutaka Yoshinaga

“We developed Clearly to help people with mild hearing loss, including young adults at risk of hearing loss due to exposure to sound from listening to music on cell phones, maximize their productivity in life.”

Dr. Kazutaka Yoshinaga, M.D.
Founder at Clearly, Inc.

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